It’s a bit surreal, but it’s true. Our baby boy is 1! There was a time when I didn’t know if we’d be able to have a second child and now he’s here and HE’s ONE! Wow! I’m just so grateful for him. He’s such a happy,...
A few years ago we built this wood shed and we absolutely love it! It serves it purpose, looks good and it was such a great addition to our property. I’ve had several people see it in the background of my Instagram Stories and ask about it so I’m finally...
My big kid and I built a mud kitchen the other day! This is a very doable “DIY in a day,” project, especially if you aren’t solo parenting! Full disclosure, we ordered pizza for supper, there was no time for cooking that day! My girl LOVES...
*READ THROUGH TO FIND OUT HOW YOU COULD WIN $50 TO THE CUTTING EDGE STENICLS!!* The very first bigger company I got a “yes” from was The Cutting Edge Stencils. I was SO EXCITED I just couldn’t wait to transform the laundry room. Although it took me a couple months to...
Three years later and our deck is finally done! YAY! And it’s done at the beginning of summer, what a bonus! We have already been enjoying it so much. I can’t wait to have BBQs with friends now too! All the things, and it feels so good! This is the...