How to Make Rhubarb Leaf Stepping Stones

How to Make Rhubarb Leaf Stepping Stones

This is one of my all time favourite DIYs! It really is something that anyone can do, it is inexpensive and I love how unique they are! A friend and I made these many moons ago (when we were in elementary or high school, I can’t even remember)! I’ve made...
How to Build a Kid’s Desk in a Weekend

How to Build a Kid’s Desk in a Weekend

If you have older children and a baby you know the struggle of trying to keep all the tiny things away from the baby! In an effort to make this a little more fun for our oldest, I decided (last minute) to build her a desk in her room! The plan being that ALL the tiny...
Where Do I Buy Fabric?

Where Do I Buy Fabric?

Believe it or not, I often get asked where I buy my fabric and what patterns I use for sewing. As flattered as I am, I’ve spent countless hours searching for fabric, testing different stores, some great, some not so great, trying to sources the best fabric for...