Be Prepared & Pack a First Aid Kit

Be Prepared & Pack a First Aid Kit

Have you ever been adventuring with your kids and they hurt themselves? OR maybe it was you! If not, then count yourself lucky, but don’t think it will never happen. Fact is, you never know when or where someone will get hurt, so why not be prepared? It’s...
Iron: Are You Getting Enough?

Iron: Are You Getting Enough?

Feeling super tired? More tired than normal? No idea why? Have you thought about getting your iron checked? Last fall I was so tired. I couldn’t figure out why. I’m a morning person and always the most productive in the morning, but by noon I felt like my...
What I’m Reading – July 2019

What I’m Reading – July 2019

Do you read? I used to wonder how any parent had time to read. For me, reading has usually been a before bed activity, but since becoming a parent I find I’m just done by bedtime. If I do feel like reading, I’d get one or two pages in, then I’d be...
Father’s Day Picnic Ideas

Father’s Day Picnic Ideas

It’s that time of year again! Do you struggle with all the holidays? Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Birthdays, Christmas, Anniversaries, etc. I sure do. I love to celebrate, but I always struggle with ideas on what to do. I’d much rather plan a...