There was an old women, who lived in a shoe… well, I have no idea if an old women lives in this shoe, but the shoe house is a real thing! We had heard about this house so we went adventuring last weekend to check it out! It was a little further off the highway...
From navy blue to white, I can finally say it’s done! I have always dreamed of a sewing room with daylight and although the window and room are both small, there IS daylight! I’ve had a lot of dreams for my sewing room and I’m super excited to share...
READ THIS POST BEFORE MAKING YOUR OWN BATH BOMBS! It started out with great intentions, it always does. Of course I was inspired by Pinterest and I thought it would be great to make some DIY bath bombs for Easter, in the shape of easter eggs. Such a great idea, right?...
I’m all for anti-bullying campaigns and teaching our children that bullying is not acceptable, but can we just step back for a minute and ask ourselves, “where do they learn these behaviours?” They don’t make this stuff up. They learn from us...
You know when you fall in love with something or a part of something and it makes you overlook some aspects of it? This is how I feel about our new house. I fell in love with the location and yard, but I definitely overlooked the inside and the work that was required...