A few years ago we built this wood shed and we absolutely love it! It serves it purpose, looks good and it was such a great addition to our property. I’ve had several people see it in the background of my Instagram Stories and ask about it so I’m finally...
My big kid and I built a mud kitchen the other day! This is a very doable “DIY in a day,” project, especially if you aren’t solo parenting! Full disclosure, we ordered pizza for supper, there was no time for cooking that day! My girl LOVES...
*READ THROUGH TO FIND OUT HOW YOU COULD WIN $50 TO THE CUTTING EDGE STENICLS!!* The very first bigger company I got a “yes” from was The Cutting Edge Stencils. I was SO EXCITED I just couldn’t wait to transform the laundry room. Although it took me a couple months to...
Three years later and our deck is finally done! YAY! And it’s done at the beginning of summer, what a bonus! We have already been enjoying it so much. I can’t wait to have BBQs with friends now too! All the things, and it feels so good! This is the...
This is one of my all time favourite DIYs! It really is something that anyone can do, it is inexpensive and I love how unique they are! A friend and I made these many moons ago (when we were in elementary or high school, I can’t even remember)! I’ve made...
If you have older children and a baby you know the struggle of trying to keep all the tiny things away from the baby! In an effort to make this a little more fun for our oldest, I decided (last minute) to build her a desk in her room! The plan being that ALL the tiny...