I’ve been using beeswax wraps for about a year and I figured it’s about time I share with you all the things. What they are, why I switched, how to make them, where to purchase them, how to clean them, what I like about them and what I don’t like about them! So here we go, I’m just going to jump right in!

What are Beeswax Wraps 

Beeswax wraps or reuseable wraps are made out of cotton and coated with a beeswax mixture and are used in place of plastic wrap (Saran Wrap) and wax paper. 

Why use them

Most people likely use them because they are a great alternative to plastic. Making the switch from disposable products such as Saran Wrap to a reusable one, such as bees wax wraps, is a great way to reduce plastic, reduce waste, save money and of course, it is better for the environment.

Although I love all those things, the environmental aspect is not the reason I switched. You might think I’m crazy, but I switched for fertility reasons. I can’t believe I’m admitting this. Here’s the thing, I don’t want all that crap that comes with plastics (BPA, phthalates, etc) entering my body. Whether it’s hand soap, shampoo, cosmetics or how my food is packaged, I just don’t want that extra crap. There was once a part of me who really believed that there could be an environmental component to my recurrent miscarriage, but I now know that’s not likely. Regardless, at the time I wanted to do whatever I could to live “healthy” so I made the switch and I won’t be going back. Have I eliminated Saran Wrap 100%? No. I have one box in my drawer that has been there for over a year and I use it once in a blue moon. Will I buy a new box when I run out? Probably not. I feel like there is so much pressure in our society to be 100%. I don’t know why, because isn’t it better to be 50% plastic free then 0%? Do what you can and be proud of the small changes you can make in your daily lives to live healthier, for you and the environment.

I’m also always looking for ways to introduce reusable products into our everyday lives to save money, especially when it’s something I can make! 

How to make them

They were easy to make, it just takes a bit of time and it does make a bit of a mess. I used a recipe a friend shared with me, click HERE for it. I had lots of fabric (of course) and got bees wax from my sister in law’s bees, but had to purchase the jojoba oil. Although it’s not used in all wraps, this recipe also required pine resin. Our local health food store didn’t have pine resin and I didn’t have time to wait to order online, but another shopper at the health food store overheard me asking about it and mentioned that you can just get your own pine resin. Surely that made sense since we live in a pine forest! So off we went to the park down the street and we collected pine resin! Lots of it too, because I read the amount wrong, lol! 

Although pine resin (sap) worked well, if I was more prepared I would have just ordered some online because it was quite dirty and took a bit to clean it. Even then, I was still picking tree bits out, but it did work!

Check the links below if you’re looking to order any supplies online.

Where to buy them

Since I know not everyone has the means or desire to make their own, I wanted to be able to share a reputable shop on where to buy them. I was really excited to partner with Suzy’s Bees Wraps and test out her lovely handmade wraps! For one, she’s got way better fabrics then mine, the bees are too cute and for two, well she clearly knows what she’s doing because her wraps are awesome! I’ve tried them out for a couple weeks now and so far I love them. I also really love their new beeswax bags. I’ve been putting my garden lettuce in it and it’s seriously the best! They would also be great for lunch snacks. 

You can purchase bees wax wraps individually or in combo packs. I got the starter pack of 4 and it’s an awesome way to start making the switch. We’ve also teamed up with Suzy Bees Wraps to give away a FREE set! Enter on Instagram. Contest closes Aug. 7, 2019 at 8pm PST.

Click HERE to shop Suzy’s Bees Wraps! Suzy’s Bees Wraps are handmade on their farm located on the Sunhine Coast, BC and shipping all over!

Fun fact, did you know that beeswax has anti-microbial products? I just learnt that, even better for wrapping your food in it! 

To make the wraps stick around jars or containers, just press and hold your warm hands around them for a minute and it will form nicely. On the right, I have packaged up the fixings for taco salad. I used the bag for grated cheese, it was perfect!

Don’t forget to check out Suzy’s Bees Wraps on Facebook and Instagram!


How to wash and care for them

Washing is super easy too, just place in the sink with warm soapy water (not hot) and give ’em a wash. I usually just put my hands on them and push up and down, wipe any areas that need it, rinse and hang on other dishes to dry in drying rack. For storage, I fold them and place in a drawer beside my one box of Saran Wrap that has been there forever 🙂 

The ones I made are over a year old, they still work great, but I think they are ready for a refresh. Just a couple minutes in the oven (on a tinfoil covered baking sheet) to remelt the wax would help them out a bit. 

DO NOT MICROWAVE. My dad did this. Let’s just say it didn’t go over well… BUT I was able to revive it by putting it back in the oven and remelting the bees wax properly.

What I love about them

I love not having to buy Saran Wrap and being able to use what we have. I love that I don’t have to wrap my food in that disposable plastic. I love how easy they are to use and wash. I love that we can be less wasteful in using them. I really do love them. I use them the mostly for produce and leftovers. 

What I don’t like about them

Cheese. It’s the only thing. I thought they would be awesome for cheese, but for me, it just doesn’t cut it. It doesn’t cut the cheese, lol. Maybe you go through a block of cheese quicker then we do, but I don’t feel like it keeps the cheese fresh enough and the last thing I want to be doing is throwing out mouldy cheese! How do you store your cheese to keep it fresh? 

That’s honestly the only thing. Cheese. 

So tell me, have you tried them? Love ’em, hate ’em, what are your thoughts?

Also make sure to let me know if you try making your own or purchase from Suzy’s Bees Wraps! Use #sewbrightcreations and tag me on Instagram!

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The second link is damar resin, but if you’re just making one or two batches, I would look into the wax and resin kit, it looks like a much better price! (click the third image).



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