Looking for the perfect basket light, but can’t find it? Or can’t find one that fits in your budget? This DIY is so simple, anyone can do it! Let me show you how!

Source your favourite basket. I’ve seen some cute ones at H&M Home, Home Sense, Jysk, Ikea, Amazon. Make sure it has lots of “holes” to let light through.

Grab a pendant light kit, this one is from Amazon.

1. Preapre the Basket. 

Remove the handles, and cut a hole in the centre, bottom of the basket. You want it just big enough to squeeze the pendant light kit through. I used sharp scissors. I recommend taking the time to measure the centre so your basket doesn’t hang wonky! 

2. Secure the Pendant Light to the Basket

Unscrew ring of pendent light kit and put the main part through the hole so the threaded part pokes through the inside. The hole should be big enough to get it through, but small enough that it is tight. You don’t want any movement once it’s through. Screw the ring on, from the inside of the basket, to secure in place. 

3. Install the Light Fixture

 Adjust the length of the wire cable, by pulling it through the top. To loosen the wire, unscrew the small black slotted screw attached to the black part where the cable goes in, you’ll see it. Once you have reached the desired length, tighten the screw. If you shorten the wires, like I did here, you’ll need to cut and trim the wires before connecting to your ceiling if you shorten it.

Hang and attach your favourite Edison (or other) light bulb.

Installation Tip

Do you see the metal screw on the edge of the black figure part that touches the ceiling? When I hooked it up there was also part of the metal showing around the screw and it was not black. I didn’t like the look of it, so I put black electrical tape around the fixture (on the inside). This way you can only see the screw (I wish that was black too), but at least it didn’t look as bad! This will make more sense when you go to install yours! I can’t wait to see yours too!


Any questions! Let me know in the comments!

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Here are some of the tools and supplies I used to make a basket pendant light <<some links are affiliate links where I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you, if you shop by clicking on my links. Your support is always greatly appreciated!>>