Have you ever made a leprechaun trap before? I had never even heard of one until my adult life! Several years ago, my husband sent me a photo of a leprechaun trap he had helped our nephew make while I was away. I can clearly remember it because I never knew such a thing existed and I thought it was SO COOL! I knew one day, when we have children of our own, it would become a tradition and I am happy to report, we’ve now been making leprechaun traps for 10 years! It’s a super easy and a cheap way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and my kids LOVE it!
I have no idea how common leprechaun traps are, but I thought I’d share what we do in case it’s new to you! If you’re a leprechaun trap making veteran, I’d love to hear how you make yours!!
There is nothing like enjoying the holiday’s once you have children! For me, it brings back so many memories and it really makes a person appreciate the simple things in life that can bring so much joy. It doesn’t have to be expensive, it doesn’t have to be fancy, it’s about spending time together creating memories that last forever!
What is a leprechaun trap?
Of course, the goal is to make a trap that can catch a leprechaun. You want to catch a leprechaun because they are good luck. The beauty of this St. Patrick’s Day craft is you can make the trap out of whatever you want! Some leprechauns are known to play tricks, however the one we are trying to catch at our house has not performed any sort of trick and I don’t anticipate this happening, ever, haha!
How to make a leprechaun trap?
The first year we made a leprechaun trap out of Duplo blocks as it was a last minute thing right before bed. I told you, it really doesn’t have to be fancy. Lego and Magnetic Tiles work great too! One year we were at the cabin and we made our leprechaun trap out of a cardboard box and kindling! So easy!! If you’re stuck for ideas just google “leprechaun trap” and you’ll find all sorts of inspiration!
We made this leprechaun trap a bit fancier, but it still only took about 20 minutes and we used craft supplies we had at home.
We covered a shoe box in green paper, made some rainbows with beads (beading is great for kids), cut out some clovers, added a pot of “gold” (you can use anything, beads, jewels, whatever you find at home). We made a ladder out of coloured popsicle sticks. You could also make a ladder out of string, twigs or paper. I love how colourful this leprechaun trap turned out.
The leprechaun is supposed to climb up the ladder, go under the rainbow and try and catch the gold! We cut out a square in the cardboard so he’d fall through just before he gets the gold!
What happens when you don’t catch the leprechaun?
Unfortunately, we have yet to catch a leprechaun, but every time we try, he always leaves a note and some chocolate gold coins or real coins (often a loonie) for trying! Our note usually says something along the lines of “Happy St. Patrick’s Day! You didn’t catch me this time, but here’s some gold for trying! Better luck next year!” If you’ve been here a while, you know I really get into my crafting, so I made this fun FREE printable to make mom’ing even easier for you! It’s a leprechaun note and colouring page! Click the image below or click HERE to download it!
For the parent, there are only 3 things you can’t forget with your leprechaun trap:
1. Note
2. Gold or real coins
3. Make sure to “set” the trap.
That’s it. You can do it! Don’t be the parent that says it’s lame. I promise you, your kids will LOVE it!!!
I’ve also heard of leprechauns leaving footprints (green fingerprints)!
Need to stock up your craft supplies? Click the links below for links to my favourite craft supplies.
Make your life easier and save this to your Pinterest for easy reference! Just hover over the top left corner and click on the Pinterest icon!
Share this idea with your mom friends, let’s give each other some motivation to get creative with our kids, while not adding more “stuff” to our house and without it costing us more money.
Have you ever made a leprechaun trap? I’d love to hear about it! Or share your traps with us on any social media channel @sobrighthome.
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