MOvember. We’ve all heard about it right? Where Mo Bro’s grow moustaches to raise awareness and money for men’s health issues.

The Movember Foundation is the leading charity changing the face of men’s health. They are addressing some of the biggest health issues faced by men: prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health and suicide prevention (From The Movember Foundation Website).

I don’t even remember how my husband got started on it, I think maybe a few guys at work thought it would be funny. He’s been doing it for several years now and the creepiness of the stache really has not worn off! When he got started, I told him that as long as he would grow a moustache I would set up an account for him on the MOvember website to raise money. If he’s growing that thing on his face, it’s gotta be for a good cause! I have been a poor Mo Sister in doing my part the past few years, but this year my goal is make up for it! I’ve set up an account if it’s in your budget to donate any amount we would really appreciate it! Click HERE to donate 🙂


Yes it’s a great cause, but let’s talk about the real MOvember dilemma here …

I’m a photo Christmas Card kinda person. We have a lot of friends and family who live far away from us and I love both sending and receiving family photo Christmas Cards. Corny or not, who cares, I like it. As much as I like it, in the five Christmas’ we’ve had our daughter, only one have I managed to get a lovely fall photo done before November. My husband’s work schedule is all over the map, so planning or organizing with a photographer for when he’s off is honestly just painful for me. I try my best to plan as little as possible because I hate flaking out on people and having to reschedule. Last year we just used the self timer on my camera and managed to get a great family photo. We moved early December so we skipped the Christmas photo and sent out a Happy New Year / Moving card instead. Anyways, I’m getting side tracked. November is the best month for taking a family photo, but I just can’t bring myself to have that MO in there!!

I did a poll on in my Instagram stories, whether we should wait until December (he shaves it off December 1) or embrace the stache and take the photo now. I couldn’t believe the results!!! Over 80% voted to embrace the stache! You guys aren’t helping this MO Sister out!

I love my husband dearly but that MO’s gotta go! I couldn’t imagine having to look at it all year long haha! So please, consider donating so I don’t feel so bad for saying that haha! Kidding…but really, I love to see men getting more involved, especially when it comes to their health. Let’s show them some support <3


Tell me in the comments, would you wait until December 1 or embrace the stache and take the family photo in November?

This post is NOT sponsored. The opinions and photos are of Sew Bright Creations’.

Want to collaborate? Email Jackie at [email protected]