This post is sponsored by Smithers Lumber Yard & some links may be affiliate, which means I may earn a small commission if you shop using the links. There is NO extra cost to you. The opinions and photos are of Sew Bright Creations’. 


“Just by an insert” they all told me when I asked all the friends and family I knew for advice on tiling our shower floor.

I really didn’t want to mess up the floor and knew it would be a challenge so I listed. Well, I tried to. Apparently resin prices are insane and not only is it hard to get a shower base, it is also VERY PRICEY! And now you know why we decided to go with tile, even though I had ZERO tile experience!

Poppa Sew Bright (my dad) did help a lot on this project, however tile is not his expertise either. He has done some smaller tile projects in the past, but never a shower floor. Needless to say, we both LEARNT A LOT, but you know what? I am also SO PROUD to say that WE DID IT!

Is is perfect? Absolutely not! Who cares though?! Mr. Sew Bright and I are happy with it and really, that’s all that matters!


Check the YouTube video above and let me know if you have any questions or comments. I

Here’s a few photos of the progress! s there anything you would have done differently? I’m always open to constructive feedback!

Sew Bright Creations - Tile Shower
Sew Bright Creations - Tile Shower
Sew Bright Creations - Tile Shower
Sew Bright Guest Bathroom Renovation
Sew Bright Creations - Tile Shower
Sew Bright Creations - Tile Shower

Are you local to the Bulkley Valley? Make sure to check out Smithers Lumber Yard before starting your next project. I was super impressed by the fast service in ordering items in! Click HERE for more details.  

Any questions! Let me know in the comments!

We would love to see your projects! Please share with us by tagging us on Instagram @sewbrightcreations or email them to [email protected].

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Here are some more of the tools and supplies I used in this bathroom renovation. All were gifted or purchased from Smithers Lumber Yard. They were able to order anything in for me that wasn’t in stock and it all arrived within a couple days!

* The drain plate we used was matte black. The one linked shows an example of the style.* I’ve also linked some other Schluter Products which may interest you. 

|| some links are affiliate links where I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you, if you shop by clicking on my links. Your support is always greatly appreciated! ||

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