As mothers we pour all our energy into caring for other people, but what about ourselves? I can remember the moment clearly, my daughter was about 6 months old, my husband had been working out of town (26 day shift) and I felt like there was nothing left of me. Can you say meltdown! Yes me, not my baby, haha. I was so drained and had nothing left to give. You have to take care of yourself and re-charge yourself in order to take care of those around you. For me, that’s hard, but I’m working on it.

I’ve been thinking a lot about self care lately and to me it means doing simple things I can incorporate into my daily routines to recharge myself. Things that make me feel good so I can be the best mom for my daughter, the best wife to my husband and the just the best me. Self care does not have to be large or costly gestures like going on a trip or away for the weekend or paying for services, etc, it can be as simple as enjoying a book for half an hour, drinking that cup of tea or coffee while it’s hot, watching your favourite show when your kiddos have gone to bed or taking 15 minutes to listen to a meditation in the morning. I’ve shared some more ideas below.


Ideas for Practicing Simple Self Care


A couple years ago I shared a few simple self care ideas on the blog HERE, but I’m adding to the list now! I also asked my followers on Instagram what their ideas of self care were and I’ve incorporated them into this post {Thanks for those who shared}! I’ve kept this list simple, because for me, it’s the simple things that can easily be incorporated into my daily routine that are the things that stick.

Save this image to your Pinterest so you can refer back! Just hover over the top left corn of the photo and click on the Pinterest icon.

You’ll also find some more ideas on practicing self care in my blog post about beating the winter blues. Click HERE! If you search on the internet for self care challenges, there are tons of different ideas out there. My sister in law sent me this challenge that I’ve decided to do for the first 20 days of November. I’d love for you to join me on Instagram! I’ll be sharing in my stories each day what I’m doing for the challenge and I encourage you to join in too and tag me, @sewbrightcreations so we can hold each other accountable đŸ™‚

I started yesterday, on Day 3 because it was the 3rd of November, but you can start however you’d like. I did Day 1 and 3 yesterday and going to bed an hour early when we change our clocks back was not the best idea! haha, but I did get a little extra sleep so that’s what matters. I’ll make up Day 2 another day, or I can always add it on to the end. Who’s going to do this with me?!

I’d love to hear your ideas for self care! Please share in the comments below!

This post is NOT sponsored, but may contain affiliate links. The opinions and photos are of Sew Bright Creations’.

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