Ever see something in the store and think, I can make that. If you’re a maker like me then you’re brain is programmed this way! Sometimes it turns out great, sometimes not so great and sometimes I spend A LOT more money making it myself when I really...
We did it! Another birthday party for the books and I have to say, this was the best one yet! I LOVE birthday parties, the planning, the decorating, all the things, except all the stress, haha. For real though. This was the first party where there were no freak outs...
You guys keep asking for my salsa recipe, so here it is! I got it from an older gentleman that I worked with years ago and it seriously is the best salsa recipe! Well, at least it is in my opinion ? This is a cooked salsa recipe for canning. We eat it all winter long...
I’ve been using beeswax wraps for about a year and I figured it’s about time I share with you all the things. What they are, why I switched, how to make them, where to purchase them, how to clean them, what I like about them and what I don’t like...
I’m overdue for a new “What’s New In My Kitchen” series! Although summer is usually a time of less hot and hearty meals (except for this chilly summer), the rest of the time in my kitchen is spent preserving and preparing for fall/winter. We do...